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November 2 in Mexico marks a special day of traditions, when we celebrate the Day of the Dead. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate the magical night this year at Chablé!

Celebrating our culture is at the forefront of the Chable experience. We seek to revive the magical traditions that exist in our country so guests from across the globe can enjoy authentic Mexican experiences during their stay. Day of the Day allowed us the opportunity to share a traditional festivity with our guests, dedicated to honoring and remembering loved ones who have passed away.

This year, we created a representation in our own gardens of the different altars you will find throughout the many different cultures of Mexico. We drew inspiration from one of the most special places to experience Day of the Dead, the Cemetery of Janitzio, where year after year tombs are adorned with the traditional flowers of cempasúchil, “ofrendas” of food and drinks for the deceased and dances and typical songs of the region.

In addition to our altar representation, the “Catrina” visited our guests representing the joy and color of the holiday.

The entire Chablé family participated in an Altar and Catrina contest, which was great fun! Guests were able to admire the altars as well as food and typical items from Central Mexico as well as the Yucatan, Hanal Pixan is celebrated.

Our Catrina contest allowed staff to use their creativity and admiration to create masterpieces as a tribute to loved ones who have passed complete with typical costumes, accessories and painted faces.

Thank you to all of our guests, visitors and staff for being part of such a wonderful night.


“You only die when someone forgets, and I never forget you”
